Sunday, February 13, 2011

Smoking, Secondhand and thirdhand Smoke and our Health!

Reference: June, M. Lay, M.S. (2011, Jan. 18). Smoking, Secondhand Smoke and our Health!

Retrieved 14 February . 2011 from Contributing Columnist -


According to June M, Lay, M. S; in this article “Smoking Secondhand Smoke and our Health” the authors support this article by using a combination of facts, personal opinions and evidence obtained from recent polls. In begin, June and Lay hope that all people must connection together to help anyone who smokes to quit. The authors give much information about smoking and respiratory disease. They discuss three smoking cases .First of all, they show us how firsthand is dangerous. As they describe that cigarette damages smoker’s DNA. In addition, they explain that there are relation between smoking and cancer. Second, as the authors show that secondhand smoke is very dangerous because “cigarette smoke contains over 63 different chemicals which we inhale if we smoke or are near someone who is smoking”. Next, they show how we inhale toxic chemicals in the public places and he gives a restaurant as example. Third, the authors explain that there is also thirdhand smoke. They improve his writing with scientist’s facts. The scientists find that ‘“thirdhand smoke” the invisible remains of cigarette smoke that deposits and remain on carpeting….. and other surfaces’. They give that how chemicals can affect babies crawling as example .In the end, they explain “the positive reasons to quit”. In sum, these are the author’s arguments; however, I will show you some points that I agree and disagree with there.


In this article ,Smoking Secondhand Smoke and our Health, I agree with the authors on some points which is all people have same assignment to help cigarette smoke to quit. There are many people who do not belief of effect articles. I kind of agree with their belief. But, this article changed my mind. I have a strong reason to support my argument. The authors support their article by using a combination of facts, personal opinions and evidence obtained from recent polls I like their three strong reasons .First, they show us how firsthand smoke is dangerous on our healthy. How is this possible? “Cigarettes destroy a smoker’s DNA within minute of inhaling”. Cigarettes also cause for cancer and other illnesses. Second, they showed us how secondhand smoke. The secondhand smoke contains over 63 different chemicals. That is why in some places the smoking is not allowed for example, restaurants and hospitals. Third, they show us how Thirdhand smoke is also very dangerous. I like their deep describe that thirdhand smoke is not “invisible” for example on clothing and on furniture. In my opinion, we have to pay attention with three cases of smoking because they are very effect on our healthy. There is one point that I do not agree with. It is Firsthand, secondhand smoke and thirdhand smoke “ can be equally dangerous to our healthy?” I have my argument. I know that firsthand smoke is less dangerous than secondhand and thirdhand smoke. Moreover, secondhand smoke is less dangerours than thirdhand smoke. So, when someone smokes he will take just the harm of cigarette. However, When someone near someone who smoking he or she will inhale the nicotine and other chemical that in the air. Moreover, if someone napping on the sofa then he will inhale nicotin, other chemical in air and new chemical on the sofa. So, three cases of smoke can not be equally dangerous. In short, we need to save our life because smoking causes people to die indirectly.

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