Friday, February 4, 2011

Ken Thompson, Dennis Ritchie win Japan Prize

Evangelista, B. (2011, Jan. 25). Ken Thompson, Dennis Ritchie win Japan Prize. Retrieved 26 January 2011 from SFGate:


According to this article, when Thompson and Ritchie began coming up with the UNIX operating system in the past, they did not think that their work would become public and be the main computer system in world. They wanted to create an operating system. As he wrote UNIX was created at the same time as the C language.It provide for all systems like network , software and programs. He came up with UNIX because the systems are expensive and complex operating systems. He looked to make the life a little easier. It is important these days. UNIX has a edition to universities. UNIX is type of "open source". Berkeley developed a new version knew as Berkeley Software Distribution . Go is an open programing language.


This article is inspiring and gives hope that change to a better life is always possible if they work for it. However, I like this article because it boils down to this: Our life train because time is running very fast. The people like to work on "open source" operating systems. The main reason for that is these kinds of operating systems such as, UNIX, REDHAT and LINUX are free and provided with all programs like C language , Java and diffident modern games. Moreover, You can download UNIX from the internet as free.You can download it on a normal CD.The important diffident between UNIX and other systems is UNIX is saving your money and cheaper than other systems.Thompson and Ritchie really deserve the honor, "Ten Japan Prize" and "Nobel Prize" because they make our life easier.

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